Monday, March 15, 2010

Seattle Service Really Sucks

In an economy and city where the predominant business is the service business its surprising how bad it is.

Most artists, students and other alternative types are frequently compelled to work as retail clerks, waiters, bartenders and the epitome of all Seattle gigs - Batista's. Being a Batista in Seattle is the pinnacle of success. In other cities you pull coffee, here you are akin to well being the King of the Bums. Not exactly illustrious but whatever.

Going to a restaurant, having a bartender speak to you other than grunts, having a waitperson who can manage to serve you without disdain is a herculean effort in a town known for its "niceness." There is a seeming attitude of inconvenience when you ask for something that the service person has never heard of. My favorite was when I asked for a Basil Hayden with a Ginger Ale and a twist of lime and the Bartender responded with "I have never heard of it." I go well see that bottle there with the words BASIL HAYDEN? Pour that into a glass, top it off with ginger ale and throw in a twist of lime. Its called a bourbon and ginger ale." The waitress laughed at my instructions and said "you have already had a few of those." It was 5 pm and I just come from work and was there for an EcoTuesday meeting.

That "you're drunk" is a common retort when you speak to someone out of turn - meaning out of them acknowledging you. Speaking out loud, speaking to a stranger, commenting on something random to anyone that is not a friend of yours is thought of as the act of a drunk person. There can be no further reason for that "outburst" other than being drunk.

In Seattle talking to strangers is well STRANGE. So that attitude even affects the service industry. You are "strange" to them so they don't feel compelled to to acknowledge you then some way they also can feel superior that they are above this hideous job of having to wait on someone. You notice this in bars, restaurants and coffee shops where if you have not been deemed a regular you will be disregarded and dis served. Its that simple. Its also why many bars and restaurants fail here. Those that make it do so by simply serving drunks. They are strange that way.

Service in Seattle it just doesn't exist it just sucks.

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