Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Seattle Schools Really Suck

The public school system in this city is the most dysfunctional piece of shit that walks the planet. Top heavy with Administrators who are ill qualified to hold their jobs and a system so fucked up with a lack of communication and consistency its no wonder just the poor and minorities (really the same) go to them.

Schools that are "integrated" are very "segregated" through such means that are AP, Honors, Honors AP, International Baccalaureate, Spectrum or well when all else fails the Spec Ed predominately black and male.

Schools have no real leader so many principals run it like a fiefdom and the School Secretary is the real power. The VP or House Admins are lackeys or just idiots. The School Security is there or virtually absent. The worse the school the less you see them as they are in fear as most of the staff.

You see the schools are really run by the nutfuck students. Angry, black, poor, Asian, Latino whatever they use their race to intimidate and threaten the Administration and Staff into compliance. Threats of "Racism" or some other cooked up bullshit to distract from the fact they are just assholes.

Of course many Administrators ignore them and have some authority but most are so incompetent and ineffectual they do anything to make the shit go away. The district complies as well an payoffs or its brushed off but no one really gets resolution.

The real issue is that the kids are plain stupid, dangerous and out of control. Their parents are obviously trash or they wouldn't send their kids there so you can imagine this is no win scenario from the get go.

Seattle Schools really suck and they always will. They are incapable of being anything but shit.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Men Here Really Suck

I am constantly in awe at the state of the male species here. They have genuine social disorders that also extend to sexual ones as well.

Due to the inordinate amount of social geeks the men here are also hygienically challenged. They have poor grooming habits extending to unwashed clothing, excessive facial hair and well unkempt appearances that you can often smell prior to viewing,

Seattle fashion is an oxymoron so it consists of looking as slovenly as possible. This is coupled with numerous tats, piercings and assorted other facial jewelry. Anything to hide the true self. This tribal like behavior is also an excuse to just well look as weird as possible under the belief that you look cool. Yes if it was 1991 it would.

There is also a myth here that everyone is physically fit. If by that 50 pounds plus overweight is healthy then yes. The idea of an outdoor activity is attending the college or professional sports teams. They are obsessive here about sports to the extreme where it is also defined by its fair weathered-ness. Everything Seattle men (and women) embrace is always short lived. There is the attention span equated with minor children. As they are tech people they are into whatever new shiny pretty thing in front of them at the moment.

The women here are not anymore attractive so it is fair for breeding purposes but pretty people it does not make.

Men here have no idea how to talk to a woman or fuck a woman. They are rabbits and awkward with no sense of passion, intimacy or well quality. Fucking a board would provide more stimulation. They are extremely sexually unaware and unsophisticated. Men would rather sext than even have phone sex. The less human contact the better for the Seattle man. Intimacy must be avoided at all cost.

There are HUNDREDS of Seattle men on the varying dating sites all of them with profiles that would make any woman wonder where she would fit in between all the skiing, sailing, etc. The men here subscribe to the middle class debt notion of the more toys the more the man.

Men here are also very gay. Only sadly not. They have acquired a faux rocker look again something you see on the Emo bands but here it just well comes across as gay.

I can't speak for the women here but they make natural a bad word. If not natural they look like a bad catalogue model for Nordstrom. Just unoriginal and unchic. But that doesn't matter as well they don't know what "chic" means.

I don't think I have ever met any man in Seattle worth going out with again let alone fucking more than once. The inability to resonate with their dicks makes them well dicks indeed.

Seattle men really suck